Friday, July 30, 2010


          Snow fell lightly on the foothills of Mount Arrai where a small army was camped. The camp was so small that many would not even classify it as an army, though numbers are not everything. Strike force might be a better term, a group with a single goal as opposed to drawn out battles or war. The sun had long since fallen beyond the horizon, and a single figure strode purposefully through the paths between tents. 
          There were few fire pits among the quiet tents, and they were dispersed evenly throughout the camp. There were no hearty evening conversations here, no jovial laughter. The camp was as dead and cold as the frozen trees on the flat Northland behind them.
          The figure noted the oppressing quiet with satisfaction, he hired them for their swords not their camaraderie. His cloak blew behind him in the breeze and his hood hung on his back as if winter’s chill did not exist. He walked silently to a large tent near the center of the camp and stopped in front of the two guards on either side of the entrance. Well, not exactly standing, the untrained eye would call them inattentive at best, half asleep at worst. The dozing guards’ eyes snapped open when they heard the approaching footsteps and their hands strayed to the swords at their hips. When the tall man came into view, the guards snapped to attention, and he smiled.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I accept your challenge!

I've been home on summer break for nearly three months now, and I've done about a page's worth of creative writing. Worse, that page wasn't at all related to the story I'm supposed to be writing.

So. The purpose of this blog is to display my progress on Jan's story (the title of which, if you haven't figured out from the blog title, is The Foretold) throughout the month of August. I'm not even going to pretend that I'll be posting daily, you guys will be lucky to see a post every other day from me. That doesn't mean I'm not writing though, just that I'm a little too lazy to post. Whenever I do post, I'll post each chapter (or scene, if I decide against lining out chapters yet) on it's own. You know, to make it look like I've done more than just a post every few days.

I doubt I'll be able to finish this in a month, but I'll certainly get something written for once. I'll post the couple chapters I have written sometime between now and August 1st.

Happy reading,