Sunday, October 3, 2010


I can’t keep up.
I’m racing along as fast as I can,
But it’s all just getting further away.
The ground beneath me is moving me backward,
Or forward?
I lost track somewhere along the way
Which direction I’m supposed to be going.

It all began easily enough.
For four long-
Or were they all too short?-
Years I kept up with all of it just fine.
But all good things must come to an end,
It was time to keep moving forward-
With our lives.

Whichever direction that was,
They were different for most of us.
Now he’s way off to the left,
She’s skewed to the right,
They’re all the way back there
And I’m right here
And moving backward-
Faster and faster each minute.

Even from a distance surely I can keep up in a way.
Wait, he did what?
She went where?
Those two?
Are you sure?
When did all that happen?
How did I miss that much?

This effort is wrecking my body.
My legs are aching,
My lungs are burning,
And my feet are killing me.
I don’t think I can do this forever,
I always did suck at running.

I’ll stop.
The ground will grow steady and still beneath my feet.
I’ll turn around and go backward-
No, this is forward.
This is where I’m supposed to be going.

They’re growing harder still to see in the distance behind,
But there are new ones coming closer ahead,
And there are some catching up just behind me
Whose lives are taking them in the same direction as mine.
Everything ends eventually,
But I can make do with those I get to keep
And those I’ve yet to meet.

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