Sunday, February 20, 2011


Sitting in the cold and wet
On a Friday afternoon
Watching the world,
The view is subdued.

From the people,
Who huddle in scarves and sweaters
Against the chill,
To the trees and brush
That dip and bend beneath the drizzle,
Everything is a little more peaceful.

Perspective is a funny thing.
To many this is a dreary and depressing scene,
But to my eye it's just at rest.
The people collapse in on themselves
And gather their warmth,
Puffing out visible mists,
Giving evidence of their life.

The trees, sagging and glistening with
Tiny droplets of the most bedazzling crystals,
Rest from the weary work of holding themselves aloft.
A shimmering shower shows them
The most refreshing relaxation,
And as they sway in the wind I swear I see some sigh.

Heaving a sigh of my own visible life,
I sag beneath the water filled sky
And flow with it into that same sublime state
As the world around me on this drizzly afternoon.


  1. I like it :) I especially enjoyed how there was a strange comfort in the general damp dreariness of everything, sort of a oneness the observer had with the world around him.

  2. Thanks! I'm a big fan of taking depressing natural events and making them not so depressing. :)
